Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Title: Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Author: J.K.Rowling
Main Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Oliver Wood, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Hagrid, Vernon Dursley, Pentunia Dursley, Dudley Dursley, Severus Snape, Fred , George, Fudge
Description Of One Of The Main Characters: Harry Potter is a good and extremely powerful wizard. He has a lightning like scar in his face. Voldemort kills Harry’s parents, James and Lily Potter, when Harry was a young child.
Whom I like and Why: I like Remus Lupin as he is always kind to the students and is noted as ‘The Best Teacher Of Defence Against Dark Arts’. He makes Harry understand that it is not Sirius who helped Voldemort kill James and Lily. But it is really Peter Pettigrew who acts as though he does not know anything and puts the blame on Sirius Black. Lupin also teaches Harry how to fight a hundred Dementors so that Harry can play Quidditch without their disturbance.
Whom I dislike and Why: I dislike Snape as he always wanted ‘Defence Against Dark Arts’ job. He hates Lupin, Harry, Ron and Hermione. He is very partial to Slytherin by giving off points for nothing and cheering them during the Quidditch match(a teacher is not supposed to support anyone house particularly). He is the potions master of Hogwarts.
Setting/Theme Of The Story: Harry Potter, after having the most terrible holidays with the Dursleys, starts his third year with best friends Ron and Hermione. A terrible man from the Azkaban has escaped. The atmosphere is tense. He hears everybody say that Sirius Black, the prisoner, is after him. Dementors, the guards of Azkaban, roam out in the castle of Hogwarts in the attempt to catch Sirius. Harry gets his Marauder’s Map as an early Christmas gift from Fred and George. He comes to know that Sirius had once been James’s best friend. He also comes to know that Moony(Remus), Prongs(James), Padfoot(Sirius) and Wormtail(Peter) were best friends and they made Marauder’s Map when they were all young. Harry finally understands that Sirius is not the right prisoner of Azkaban and Peter Pettigrew , the real prisoner who ought to be in Azkaban has run away. Sirius thanks Harry as he saved Sirius from the Dementors performing their kiss. Harry comes to know that Sirius is his godfather. He returns back to No.4 Privet Drive with the Dursleys who seemed to be horrified at the thought of Harry having a godfather. This looks like a better summer for Harry.
Part I Enjoyed The most: I enjoyed the part when Harry blows up Aunt Marge into a balloon. He escapes from the Dursleys and catches the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley.
Different Ending: Black is saved from the Dementors. Pettigrew is caught and the Dementors perform their kiss. Pettigrew still lives unaware of what is happening and not having any memory.He could no more support Voldemort. Harry starts staying with Sirius. All are happy that Sirius is no more in danger.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Three Men In A Boat
Title: Three Men In A Boat
Author: Jerome.K.Jerome
Main Characters: Harris, George, Montmorency
Description Of One Of The Main Characters: Harris is the funniest of all three men and he is the only one who is not pleased with any work except his own. He misses the boat in the dark. H e once tries to cook for his friends using a sack full of vegetables. He once falls into river Thames while cooking. He tries to speak in monotone forever.
Whom I like and Why: I like all the characters. The whole story is funny and all the three men play a very good part in it.
Setting/Theme Of The Story: Three unintelligible men decide to travel in a boat in search of rest and a change of scene.They head up to river Thames.They pass through the glinting barges, the wooded towpath and the trim-kept villas on either side. They fall inside the Thames and loose their boat many times in a day.They become tired. They realise life out on a boat is a far more appalling alternative for a change of scene.
Part I Enjoyed The most: I enjoyed the part when Harris is compared to Uncle Podger as he is ready to take the burden of everything himself and put it on the backs of other people. He says:
"Now, you get a bit of paper and write down, and you get the grocery catalougue, George, and somebody give me a bit of pencil, and then I will make out a list."
Different Ending: The three men think that life on a boat is always amusing. They start to go boating every weekend and find it easier than it had been. They get used. They are perfectly convinced about the amount of rest they get and the change of scenery. River Thames becomes their favourite forever.